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Step 1.
Start this step by drawing out some basic guidelines and shapes to form a frame of the hamster. Start by drawing a big rounded head with facial guidelines sketched in the front. Now draw another circle shape but this time it is going to be much larger. This is going to be for the body of the little rodent.
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Step 2.
In this next step you will be drawing out the hamsters fur, the lining of the tiny fingers and toes, and a big portion of the face. Draw two circles for the eyes, then draw two shapes for the ears as shown. Now draw or sketch in the nose and lip flaps which is the mouth and also add a few whiskers on the face. When your drawing resembles the one above move down to the next step.
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Step 3.
This is the last step to drawing the hamster. What you will do here is fluff up the left side of the body as you did on the right side. Make sure when you are sketching out the fluff you try and give the hamster the look of being well rounded and chunky. Erase all the guidelines after you are done sketching out the animal.
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Step 4.
This is what your sketch should look like when you are completely finished. All you need to do is color him/her in any color you want to. I get most of my images to sketch from either from books laying around my house or from real life pictures I find online. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to draw a hamster. I know I did. |