Appearance |
Characteristics |
Golden Hamster
 Photo by permission of The Hamster Socitey Homepage |
Size: 15-20 cm The original wild colour of the Syrian Hamster. Golden-brown in colour with white underparts. |
Lively & robust; easily tamed; solitery - females in particular are more aggressive towards eachother. |
Cream-colored Hamster
 Photo by permission of The Hamster Socitey Homepage |
An early mutation of the Syrian Hamster. Even beige color; the underparts somewhat are paler |
Lively; becomes friendly quickly; also even-tempered. |
Teddy Hamster (Longhaired Syrian Hamster)
 Photo by Pet View Magazine |
Longhaired has silky, shiny fur; Males have longer fur than females. |
Becomes friendly quickly; longhaired needs to be groomed with a toothbrush. |
Albino Syrian (Flesh Eared White or Synthetic Albino) |
Mutuation of Syrian Hamster although they are not "true albinos". White all over with pink-red eyes. |
Lively & robust; easily tamed; solitery - females in particular are more aggressive towards eachother. |
Banded Syrian Hamster
 Photo by permission of Miguel Mascarenhas |
Pattern mutation of the Syrian Hamster. White band over center of body and white belly. |
Lively & robust; easily tamed; solitary - females in particular are more aggressive towards each other. |
Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster (Djungarian or Siberian)
 Photo by permission of Jon's Dwarf Hamster Page |
Size: 8-10 cm Has dark grey fur with dark markings on nose, ears, tail, and feet; has a black stripe that runs from between the ears down to the tail; more delicate than wild-type golden hamsters, can turn white in winter |
Becomes tame quickly; gets along with others of its kind; limited vision. |
Dwarf Russian Hamster (Campbells)
 Photo by permission of The Complete Hamster Site |
Size: 10-12 cm Mid grey with a dark grey stripe from between the ears to the tail; white belly and slightly cream on the sides; has black eyes |
It is sociable and will live with other hamsters of its own kind. |
Albino Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster
 Photo by permission of The Complete Hamster Site |
Size: 10-12 cm A mutation of the Dwarf Campbells Russian. Pure white with red eyes. |
It's good-natured, even toward others of its kind. |
Dwarf Hamster (Chinese)